
Transition in Burkina Faso: Unions find the increase in salaries of members of the government « inappropriate »

The Union Action Unit (UAS) gave its reading of the national situation in recent weeks on Wednesday, May 25, 2022. It made particular note of certain major facts, in particular the deterioration of the security situation, and the rereading of the decree on terms of remuneration of the Prime Minister, presidents of institutions and members of the government.

The five-month deadline set by the Head of State for an assessment of the fight against terrorism, with a view to « reclaiming our territory » is approaching, yet the terrorist attacks continue and intensify.

« The deterioration of the security situation is marked by the multiplication of increasingly deadly terrorist attacks while the fight against insecurity, the main justification for the coup d’etat of January 24, 2022, has been made a priority by the new power. “said the UAS.

However, the UAS deplores the massacres of populations, dozens of elements of the FDS and the VDP as well as the continuous increase in the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to the repetition of attacks.

Increase in the salaries of members of the government
On the revaluation of the salaries of members of the government, the trade union organization considered that this increase is “completely inappropriate, given the context in which the populations live. Context marked by the fall in purchasing power due to an exorbitant increase in the prices of consumer products”.

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For her, this increase is in contradiction with the demand for a war effort formulated by the authorities of the transition towards the Burkinabè, with the principles of “sobriety and exemplarity” promised by the Prime Minister. « But also with the harsh criticism that some of its members made against the old regime and relating to issues of governance and the spirit of sacrifice », regrets the union organization.

The UAS finds that this increase in the salaries of members of the executive is all the less justified since members of the government benefit from many other benefits in kind (vehicles, fuel, servants, health care and many others).

“Finally, it is indecent when we consider the general poverty situation of the populations and particularly of the IDPs who lack everything, as well as that of the VDPs who put their lives in danger for the defense of the country but who only receive 20,000F as treatment” , criticized the UAS


TOGONYIGBA Société de médias et d'actualités

Lomé-Amadanhomé (Togo) | RCCM:TG-LOM 2018 A 5677 | N° Récépissé:0425/24/03/11/HAAC | Banque:Orabank / Numéro de Compte:06101-65386500501-49 (agence kpalimé) | | Boîte postale:23BP90053539 Lomé Apédokoè | Tel:(00228) 99460630/93921010 | Directeur Général:José-Éric Kodjo GAGLI (LeDivin)

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