Ivory Coast: Coris Bank International inaugurates its headquarters in Abidjan

Coris Bank International inaugurated on Saturday May 28, 2022, its brand new Ivorian headquarters in the town of Treichville in Abidjan. This jewel is added to about twenty agencies available to the subsidiary of the Coris Bank Group on Ivorian soil.

Present in the country since 2013, Coris Bank International (CBI) ranks 7th among the 28 financial institutions in Côte d’Ivoire.

In the dynamic development of its local banking activities, Coris Bank International Côte d’Ivoire inaugurated its headquarters on May 28.

With 7 floors and several modern rooms, this building, whose construction started in 2019, cost 8.225 billion FCFA, according to the Director General of Coris Bank International (CBI) Côte D’Ivoire, Mamadou Sanon. The building extends over a total area of ​​1300 m2 in the town of Treichville in Abidjan.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by several personalities including Adama Coulibaly, Ivorian Minister of Economy, representing the Vice-President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Tiémoko Koné, absent for diary reasons and the mayor of the town of Treichville, François Amichia.

Alongside these personalities, we also note the presence of the Burkinabé Minister of Economy, Foresight and Planning, Seglaro Abel Somé and the Ambassador of Burkina Faso to Côte d’Ivoire, Mahamadou Zongo.

According to the CEO of Coris Bank international Côte D’Ivoire, Mamadou Sanon, « this architecture undoubtedly offers a friendly and ideal environment for welcoming customers and working for staff ». “We are and will remain alongside our customers and partners to offer them the best quality standards in terms of products and services,” he added.

While the country is experiencing a low banking rate of 15%, Adama Coulibaly, Ivorian Minister of Economy, was delighted with the strengthening of the banking landscape and the financial system in the country.

The headquarters of Coris Bank international in Treichville in Abidjan
“This seat confirms us as to the group’s promising prospects and all the benefit that it will certainly be able to draw from its positioning and the investment financing opportunities available to it. In the medium term, these opportunities relate in particular to the major investment projects selected within the framework of the National Development Plan (Pnd 2021-2025), with an overall cost of 59,000 billion FCFA, with 74% intended for the private sector. , said Mr. Coulibaly.

« I extend my sincere thanks to personalities, economic players, opinion leaders, customary and religious leaders who have left an indelible mark on their presence at this ceremony, » said Idrissa Nassa on his facebook page.

CBI Côte d’Ivoire posted a turnover of 1024 billion FCFA at the end of 2021. Its share capital increased from 5.3 billion FCFA in 2013 to 15.4 billion in 2021.

With its 7 subsidiaries, in the UEMOA zone, Coris Bank International, owned by the Burkinabe Idrissa Nassa, is among the top 5 of the most important banking groups in terms of market share in 2020. It has made the most significant progress in the area, going from 6.1% market share to 7.6% in 2020.

In Burkina Faso, it is the leading bank with 23% market share ahead of Bank of Africa (17%) and Ecobank (16.5%).

With a very low banking rate in Africa, CBI continues to grow outside the WAEMU zone. At the end of March 2022, the Group inaugurated its first subsidiary in West Africa, namely Coris Bank International Guinea Bissau.


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