Categories: Afrique

Burkina Faso: the Prime Minister discusses with religious and customary leaders 

Religious and customary leaders were received in audience on Thursday, June 30, 2022, by Prime Minister Albert Ouédraogo. A meeting whose title is to brief these religious and customary authorities on the process of dialogue initiated with the ECOWAS mediator, Mahamadou Issoufou, with regard to the conduct of the Transition. 

June 29 was the political class. On June 30, it is the turn of religious and customary leaders to discuss with the head of government the progress of the discussions that are underway with ECOWAS. Indeed, Mahamadou Issoufou, the mediator of the sub-regional institution will be in Ouagadougou on July 1, for this fact the authorities must work to ensure that everything is green.

In the electoral timetable, indicates the Prime Minister, “we spoke of a dynamic compromise”. It is a compromise that aims to probably reduce the duration of the Transition, to be within the range of ECOWAS. It does not set the duration at 36 months as decided, but tries to join the concerns of ECOWAS which believes that it will need a reduction, explains the head of government Albert Ouédraogo. 

When they left the audience, the customary and religious leaders did not want to talk too much. All they want is peace in Burkina Faso. “We encourage the authorities to continue consultations with a view to restoring peace in the country,” says their spokesperson, the Ouidi naaba kiiba of Ouagadougou.

TOGONYIGBA Société de médias et d'actualités

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